Waseem Qasim



As a web developer focused on customer satisfaction, I manage all aspects of web development from concept to requirements definition, design, development, launch, maintenance and user support. I enjoy the client-facing role and working closely with team members to produce high-quality deliverables.

Waseem Qasim

Web Developer.

Building a website is, in many ways, an exercise of willpower. It’s tempting to get distracted by the bells and whistles of the design process, and forget all about creating compelling content.

  • Activities:Reseach | Badminton | Cricket
  • Degree: Master in Computer Science
  • PhEmailone: wqasimg@gmail.com
  • Freelance: Available

Showing a balanced portfolio can ease the process of the client trusting you as they can see how creative you can get but also how you can deliver results that the client expects. Sometimes, things that are too flashy might scare away clients as some have the prejudice of “I don’t need an artist, I need a developer”.


“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity. We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It’s our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer a little bit better.”


Happy Clients


Projects Plus


Hours Of Support


Hard Co-workers


Frontend web developer with over 4 years plus experience. Versatile, bilingual professional with management experience ranging in size from small private projects to full scale high profile projects. Ability to oversee and manage hundreds of individuals while ensuring timely completion of project deadlines all while remaining on or under budget.

React Js 100%
HTML 100%
CSS 90%
JavaScript 75%
GraphQl 80%
AWS Services Use95%
Bootstrap 90%
Ajax/Json 85%
Photoshop 70%


Always seeking a position in highly competative area of challenge, utilizationn and abilities in the way to sucess for the organization to earn more and more knowledge and experience.


Waseem Qasim

Innovative and deadline-driven Frontend Web Developer with 4+ years of experience designing and developing user-centered plateform from initial concept to final, polished deliverable.

  • Addres: Islamabd Pakistan
  • Phone: +92324 4929494
  • Email: wqasimg@gmail.com


Master In Computer Science

Aug/2017 - Aug/2019

University of Agriculture Faisalabad Pakistan

Bachelor In Computer Science

Aug/2014 - Aug/2016

The University of Punjab

Web Development (Certification)

jul/2019 - Dec/2019

The University of Lahore

A helpful course about fullstack web development using backend in PHP.

  • Designing foucus on front-end.
  • Development and implimentation of the designs.
  • Foucus on the modern programming technologies.
  • Supervised by professionals for the assessment of all development.
  • Web Developer Internship(Mussawar I.T Solutions)

    Dec-2019 - Feb-2020

    Jeff Heights Near Hafeez Center Liberty Lahore

    • Lead by the design, development, and implementation of the layout, and production materials.
    • Collaborate with 3 members of the design team and counsel on all aspects of the project.
    • Supervised by seniors in order to ensure quality and accuracy of the design
    • Oversee the efficient use of production project budgets.
    • Stay up-to-date with emerging technology.

    Professional Experience

    ReactJs/Frontend Developer(Multi-Telesoft)

    Nov/2021 - Mar/2023


    • Supporting development, maintaining, and updating web portals and dashboards as well websites.
    • Assisting in deployment and development of websites.
    • Writting codes for web based Solutions.
    • Technical documentation and presentation.
    • Troubleshooting websites problems.

    ReactJs Developer(NextLogixs)

    Feb/2020 - Sep/2021

    Township Lahore

    • Supporting development, maintaining, and updating web portals as well websites.
    • Assisting in deployment and development of websites.
    • Writting codes for web based Solutions.
    • Technical documentation and presentation.
    • Troubleshooting websites problems .

    Web Developer in Micrologix

    Oct/2018 - Nov/2019

    Garden Town Opps to UAF Gate Faisalabad

    • Developed numerous front end programs (Commerace, Blogs,Online Store, presentations, and advertisements).
    • Recommended and consulted with clients on the most appropriate web development.
    • Create designs and proposals a month for clients and account managers.


    The range of gained milstones as blow that reviles the true hardworking to the all loyalties. There is a bit colection of my achievments producted by giving a long tenure.

    • All
    • App
    • Card
    • Web
    # Name Company Link
    1 Demos Private Demo
    2 Restaurant Pak (Private) Restaurant
    3 Phonebook Pak (FYP) Phonedice
    4 Form Fiver Testerform
    5 Phonebook FimBay FimBay
    6 Restaurant Fiver LiveRestu
    7 Kreal KReal kreal
    8 Modernist Modernist Phonedice
    9 Systematic Systematic systematic
    10 Revelation Revelation Revelation Link


    Whether you require a newly developed website to enhance customer engagement, a web portal to improve visibility and organization, or a robust and feature-rich web app to automate business processes, SulphiticCo has the solution.

    Web Application Development

    We are providing back-end services in Java, PHP, SQL, and more while our front-end designers are well-versed in using JavaScript, Bootstrap, CSS3, HTML5, ReactJs and more.

    Full-Stack Web Development Solutions

    Our expert Full-Stack Web Developers are highly skilled in Java and SQL programming languages with experience in leading 12-factor applications and cloud platform implementation.

    Animation & Graphics Web Design

    Our award-winning animators and graphic designers create beautiful logos, branding materials, illustrations, infographics, motion graphics, and more to fulfill your branding vision.

    E-Commerce Web Development Solutions

    Our Software Development Team uses Magento, Shopify, and/or BigCommerce platforms to create seamless, scalable, and powerful online stores for e-commerce companies of all sizes.

    Web Integration Services

    We always stay on top of the latest developments in deployment, customization, and integration to create the perfect, seamless approach to how you utilize your software.

    Web Portal Development

    Our Web Portal Developers have both engineering expertise and a keen understanding of the business sector to create reliable and robust solutions that help companies manage their workflows.


    Magnam dolores commodi suscipit. Necessitatibus eius consequatur ex aliquid fuga eum quidem. Sit sint consectetur velit. Quisquam quos quisquam cupiditate. Et nemo qui impedit suscipit alias ea. Quia fugiat sit in iste officiis commodi quidem hic quas.


    Here is my contact info to reach me out easily by the public, so feel free to contact me regarding any tachnical devlopment assitance or issue.


    G-10 Markaz Islamabad


    +92324 4929494

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